Registration Tips
Tips for a sucessful casual trader registration.

All traders are required with register with us and get this registration approved before they can express interest in pitches at markets.
The registration process allows us to find out as much about your business as possible to ensure we can accomodate your needs and requirements and ensure your business and products meet our requirements before approving.
We have kept the online registrtion form as brief as possible. It is important that the information requested in the questions is included in registration, otherwise they can end up 'stuck' in an additional thread of endless questions from us, slowing your registration down for you, or in a worst case scenario we may not even contact you at all if the form is very poorly completed.
We want to avoid as many rejections as possible, so have designed a quick set of tips based on the most common errors/omissions. Hopefully this will help you get your registration approved as quickly as possible.
It's easy to make errors when using your PC or Phone, please check the accuracy of the details you're entering,
in particular contact phone numbers and email addresses. If this information is incorrect we cannot contact you.
Check the Criteria
Do you meet our trading criteria?
Please ensure you read the Traders handbook BEFORE submitting a registration form.
The traders handook answers many questions and will help you determine if you meet our trading criteria. While occasionally we may consider a trader that does not meet the trading criteria, it does not happen often.
Be Precise
Be precise when detailing the products you would like to sell. We don't want to see a vague example of items you may sell. We want to see them ALL listed, along with photographs.
We approve registration based on the items listed so please include ALL items. If you wish to add new additional items at a later date thats ok, but you will also have to also submit them for approval.
Food Products
Part of our criteria stipulates the use of NI ingredients where available. We do expect makers to use NI produce where they are available.
We want you to tell us what NI products you are using in your registration, we expect you to be passionate about using NI produce where available, it should be one of the first selling points for your products!
Purchasing an ingredient from a local supermarket/wholesaler does not constitute as NI produce, unless the ingredient is produced in NI.
We are highly unlikely to consider a food producer that does not let us know exactly what NI ingredients they are using or to consider a trader if they are not using NI produce where available.
Legal Requirements
Once you start selling products to the public there are a lot of legalities to consider - for ALL traders.
We will not approve any registration if the legal requirements have not been met.
There are legal requirements that will apply to all traders, and some will be product specific, ie CLP compliance for candles etc, UKCA (CE Marking) for toys, Cosmetic Safety Testing for cosmetic products, copyright/trademark infringement, trading standards, to name but a few, and registration with your local Environmental health if you sell food.
Do you have Questions
The traders handbook should answer most questions, please do take time to read it.
However, if there's anything you do not understand after reading it, need clarificaiton on, or maybe your products are a little different and you want to chat to us about how they meet the criteria then give us a call.
We are more than happy to help you work through the registraion, and answer any questions you may have.
If you're a new start business, or just new to markets we do recommend you get in touch via telephone, we are keen to support new starts as much as possible.
Street Food/Hot Drinks
We offer street food trading opportunities, however this can be the most difficult category to secure a space within.
We welcome all street food applications provided local NI ingredients are used where possible, and these ingredients are made clear in the application. We expect the use of NI ingredients where possible should form part of your business Ethos, and clear in your general marketing.
It may be more difficult to list the street food products you wish to sell, so we will accept an example menu, which will be approved as required prior to each event.
Additional Documentation
Where additional documentation is requested please provide this.
Photographs of products -We need to see photographs of your products in your registration.
EHO Registration - If you are selling food we need ot see your star rating.
Insurance Doucmentation - We do not require this at registration but will require it if you are offered a pitch.
(feel free to upload insurance if you do hold it already if it meets our requiremnts - please check)
It's important that you show us the correct documentation.
You can see the detailed insurance guidance HERE
Share your Passion
We receive large number of registrations each month.
Remember we don't know your business or your products - the registration is your introduction - we aren't looking out for bigger and better - we look out for passionate, talented makers that want to make the best of the market opportunity, Applications are welcome wether you're a hobbyist, an experienced trader, or trying to start up a new business.
We are keen to support passionate, talented NI makers, producers, growers, designers. And even more keen to support new starts.
Use the registration to tell us as much as you can. If details are missing, and lacking it will slow down the registration considerably. Extremely poorly completed registrations may not even not be processed.